When Extreme Weather Hits at Home or on the Road, Are You Ready?
Ready Radio listeners range from a beginner just trying to make sure they have some of the basic things at hand to those extremely prepared folks, like John in Cheyenne, who is pretty much ready for whatever situation is thrown at him. Regardless of how you classify yourself, we’re trying to prepare as many people as possible to handle the “What If’s of Life.”

What’s in Your Car for
Winter Survival?
Remember, you don’t have to buy the top of the line survival. A top necessity when traeveling in the winter is a pair of Bib ski pants. If your size is large, get an X or an XXL because you’re going to want to layer on top of everything else under you, and you want plenty of room in those things. The bib ski pants can almost be used as a sleeping bag.
What Will You Do If the Power Is Out
for 72 Hours in the Winter?
What Will You Do
If the Power Is Out
for 72 Hours in the Winter?
There was a power substation, quote-unquote, “shootout” in Moore County, NC. If it was a coordinated act among terrorists, it could happen everywhere in the US. At once. A couple of years ago in Aspen at Christmas, somebody broke into the gas pumping station and shut it off. So when the unexpected happens, we want to help you and your family be prepared.
This Episode of
Ready Radio Is
Chalked Full of
Inexpensive Ideas
to Have You Ready
for Winter Travel

Taking Care of the
“What Ifs” of Life.